About us
What we stand for
“Save Polesia” is an international partnership of three civil society organisations. We strive to protect Polesia for the citizens of Belarus, Poland, Ukraine and wider Europe – now and in the future. We stand against the construction of the E40 waterway and for the development of nature-based tourism in Polesia.
Strong partnership to save Polesia

Frankfurt Zoological Society – Germany
The Frankfurt Zoological Society (FZS) is committed to preserving wildlands and biological diversity in the last remaining wilderness areas on the planet. The main emphasis in Europe is on the conservation of pristine habitats in the Balkan states, Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan as well as on wilderness development in Germany. FZS is also leading the Endangered Landscapes Project in Polesia, aiming to create a contiguous network of protected areas covering almost 1.4 million ha of ecologically functioning natural landscape in the heart of Europe.

National Ecological Centre – Ukraine
The National Ecological Centre of Ukraine (NECU) brings together individuals for common action to protect the environment. Among NECU members are scientists, journalists, artists, students and other people who are committed to protecting the environment. NECU aims to bring environmental consideration into the core of decision making.

OTOP Polish Society for the Protection of Birds – Poland
OTOP is a Polish partner organisation of BirdLife International, whose mission is to protect birds and their habitats and establish and manage new bird reserves. The organization carries out educational work in order to increase public support for nature conservation. OTOP is a member of the Polish Save the Rivers coalition, linking our campaign to more than 60 organisations, scientists, and environmental activists.
In previous years the coalition also included APB-BirdLife Belarus and Bahna (Belarus) before they were closed down.
Overall coordination of the campaign
Still in need of further information? Do you want to support us to save Polesia? Or do you have a question?
Please feel free to contact us at info@savepolesia.org.
Dr Helen Byron
On behalf of the Frankfurt Zoological Society
Bernhard-Grzimek-Allee 1
60316 Frankfurt am Main
The work of the “Save Polesia” partnership is funded by